Antonia Sainz and Jessica Bell are relaxing on the couch in lingerie when Jessica notices that Antonia is up to something underneath her towel. Pulling back the towel, she catches her masturbating with her panties pulled to one side. Jessica joins in and helps Antonia, teasing her pussy and kissing her at the same time. Getting hold of a vase, Jessica holds it underneath Antonia as she stands and aims a stream of her warm piss down into the glass tube. Naughty Jessica pours it over Antonia's back and peach bra, letting it stream down her hot body. Jessica takes off her panties and masturbates frantically. She fills the vase too and these pissing pornstars get naked and Jessica licks Antonia's wet pussy. She takes piss in mouth and gives Antonia some of her own golden piss to play with as she splashes it around and gets drenched in golden showers. They finger each other and enjoy some powerful pissing and break out a purple vibrator to pleasure their pussies with!

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Caught Masturbating

Released: June 20, 2020
Duration: 21 min
Antonia Sainz and Jessica Bell are relaxing on the couch in lingerie when Jessica notices that Antonia is up to something underneath her towel. Pulling back the towel, she catches her masturbating with her panties pulled to one side. Jessica joins in and helps Antonia, teasing her pussy and kissing her at the same time. Getting hold of a vase, Jessica holds it underneath Antonia as she stands and aims a stream of her warm piss down into the glass tube. Naughty Jessica pours it over Antonia's back and peach bra, letting it stream down her hot body. Jessica takes off her panties and masturbates frantically. She fills the vase too and these pissing pornstars get naked and Jessica licks Antonia's wet pussy. She takes piss in mouth and gives Antonia some of her own golden piss to play with as she splashes it around and gets drenched in golden showers. They finger each other and enjoy some powerful pissing and break out a purple vibrator to pleasure their pussies with!

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