Pretty Ambar is dressed to impress as she wants to impress you. She dances and moves around in her white shirt before removing it to reveal super hot underwear. She lays on top of you so you get to see her sexy as and she cheekily looks at you checking her out. She slides over and starts to lick and suck your cock before she rides you cowgirl style. She slides off you and you lick her juicy pussy before pounding her missionary.

Scene Photos

Ambar Take My Nectar

Starring: Ambar
Released: December 14, 2021
Duration: 41 min
Pretty Ambar is dressed to impress as she wants to impress you. She dances and moves around in her white shirt before removing it to reveal super hot underwear. She lays on top of you so you get to see her sexy as and she cheekily looks at you checking her out. She slides over and starts to lick and suck your cock before she rides you cowgirl style. She slides off you and you lick her juicy pussy before pounding her missionary.

Scene Photos

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